
You love your neighborhood and you want it to be the best it can be. The Board of Directors of your homeowner's association should provide you the comfort of knowing that they are doing everything to protect your largest investment but some how it all seems disfunctional.  Communication is sporadic.  Some of it comes from the Board of Directors but most of it seems to come from the neighborhood rumor mill.  By the time you receive the neighborhood newsletter, you're reading history instead of what's planned for next month.  Many of your neighbors travel a lot or work odd hours and can never attend the important neighborhood meetings.

If this sounds like your neighborhood, we are here to help.  Neighborhood News Web can help put your mind at ease with a website that is designed to improve neighborhood communications.  A neighbors phone number or email address is just a click away.  Your website administrator emails everyone when a suspicious vehicle has been seen driving around your neighborhood.  Are you looking for a golfing buddy?  Click on the hobby list and see who enjoys playing golf.  Fill out the online form to reserve your clubhouse for a special party.  These are just a few examples of how easy neighborhood communication can be.

Review the demonstration site and/or contact us to further discuss how we can help your neighborhood.